05 February 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Sorry for letting you all wait so long... And I am also sorry to say I fell back into old paths… since moving back to Germany, with no job yet, in a new town where I do not know many people, I found myself with not much to do all day. After sending out applications every other day and keeping the house clean and tidy there was always so much time left in the day I ended up watching a lot of TV shows. More precisely: every episode that came out in the new season I watched within a week of it going out… and started to watch some old ones also…

What I can say is that I have laid off a couple of shows, there were some shows that have already ended this season (for good) and I have not picked up any new series. Even though there are some interesting ones that started. So, some of my resolutions I could keep.

What I need is structure. A daily routine that takes me out of the house, away from the TV and the computer. I am doing everything in my power to get a job as soon as possible. Hopefully I will have good news soon. The next steps I am taking is signing up for a gym and guitar lessons. It's still early in the year and I am not willing to give up on my new years resolution yet! I want to accomplish them this year, not next year or the one after that…

I promise to not let you guys wait so long again for a new post. Another resolution for the new year is to write at least twice a month. So see you soon!

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